AI Production Workflows

The complexity of introducing a new workflow into production is often underestimated. The introduction of any step involving AI-generated input, be it translation, quality estimation, transcription, etc., affects all aspects of production. As a result, all teams need to be aware of its complexities and how it will affect their own work, not only linguists who become post-editors or reviewers, but also project managers and those responsible for resource management and final quality. This session will address these challenges.


Feasibility test

Integration of AI in the CAT tool - MT, LLM, AIQE



AI in conjunction with language assets: the benefits of TMs.

The post-editing workflow flow in CAT tools

Edit distance

Aspects that influence post-editing rates

AI and Quality Management

AI and Resource Management

Piloting the new workflow


Participants will be encouraged to perform a machine translation feasibility test using their own key customers or accounts, with the aim of quickly understanding how to identify whether or not a new project is suitable for AI.

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